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Our Services

Grand Apps builds mobile and web solutions for clients big and small.


Mobile and Web Software Development and Design.

We launched in 2011 and focused mainly on native mobile app development. As we grew, so did our client's needs. We began building both web and mobile solutions for large and small clients. Over the last several years, we have launched over 500+ projects for clients.

Mobile App Development Company

App Development

This is where we started and are very confident we can build any mobile solution to match your needs. We've launched 300+ apps.​

Software Developmet Company

Software Development

Some projects just can't be built in CMS platforms and that is where we come in. We have built custom software for clients from the ground up.

Web Develompent Company Wordpress Web Deveoper

Web Development

We can build anything from small web projects to large project scopes. We have several years of experience in web development.

Custo Software Develoment Company

CMS Mobile Apps

Some clients do not need a custom mobile app, and that is okay. We have years of experience building in CMS platforms for clients.

iPhone App Development

CMS Web Development

Some client's do not need a massive custom website, and there are many good options out there to build in a CMS platform.

UX / UI Design and App Development

UX / UI Design

Every project needs a good design to lead and we have a very talented team to help. We try to design something unique to every client.

fitness industry

appointments booked


total app downloads



(check out some real results)

food industry

mobile customers


revenue generated


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Ready to work with us?

Let's talk about your next project!

Call us at (616) 717.1151 or email us below.

Stop by our office at 25 Commerce Ave SW, Suite 50, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503


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