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Grand Apps Logo

Award Winning

design and development

Ranked A Top Michigan Development Company by Clutch.Co and also winner of the Corp! Magazine Michigan Economic Bright Spots Award in 2019.

OVER $500k

in total sales collected by one app.

Listen, we understand you can build a beautiful app or website, but it must be functional and meet user and client needs.

Check out our case study and see what we did to help our client build this revenue generating software asset to his business.

Mobile App Devlopmet Company Mobile Commerce App

Web and Mobile App Development

We've have successfully launched over 500+ projects in the last 8 years.
Web Develompent Company Wordpress Web Deveoper

Web Development

We can build anything from small web projects to large project scopes. We have several years of experience in web development.

Mobile App Development Company

App Development

This is where we started and are very confident we can build any mobile solution to match your needs. We've launched 300+ apps.​

Software Developmet Company

Software Development

Some projects just can't be built in CMS platforms and that is where we come in. We have built custom software for clients from the ground up.

Custo Software Develoment Company

CMS Mobile Apps

Some clients do not need a custom mobile app, and that is okay. We have years of experience building in CMS platforms for clients.

iPhone App Development

CMS Web Development

Some client's do not need a massive custom website, and there are many good options out there to build in a CMS platform.

UX / UI Design and App Development

UX / UI Design

Every project needs a good design to lead and we have a very talented team to help. We try to design something unique to every client.

A few recent features we've received.

Recognized globally as a leader in development.


Featured as a Top 21 Shopify Web Development Agency.


Grand Apps was interviewed and featured in Fox Business.


Top 35 Software Development Agency in 2019.

Contact Us Today

Fill our the form below

Call us at (616) 717.1151 or email us below.

Stop by our office at 25 Commerce Ave SW, Suite 50, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503


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White label Wordpress Development for Agencies

More than just outsourcing

Your agency has a lot to offer the world, and we are here to help you bring the best to the table




We have launched over 500 projects ranging from mobile app development to new web designs. 



Our company is based in Grand Rapids, Michigan. But we've worked in over 5 continents.



We started from a basement and bootstrapped our entire company from the ground up.

Some of the brands that love Grand Apps

new holland.png

"They take responsibility for their work, and they deliver exactly what they promise every time."

- Sharon Polsky, Owner

"They were always willing to help and came up with solutions that made our ideas functional."

- New Holland Brewery, HR Coordinator

read some of our recent blogs we've written

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