Website is Outdated
If you created your website back in 1998 and haven’t regularly updated its look, the first impression your site will give won’t be a good one. Not only will your site look visibly out of touch, but the software you are using will most likely be past its prime as well. This can create a lot of problems for the user looking to navigate, eventually hurting your Google search rankings after optimization. If your site is in desperate need for a new look, a redesign will be the best option.
Isn’t Mobile Responsive
With mobile search capability exploding in recent years, it’s now more important than ever to have a website that can load well onto a mobile device. If your site can’t properly perform on a phone or tablet, it may be time to think about a website redesign. Leaving this problem unsolved can lead to not only less visitors to your site but can also lower your Google search ranking, so it’s important to get this fixed right away.
Branding Update
If your company has updated its image or has changed in direction with the way you promote yourselves, it may be time for a new website. The reason being that your website is a reflection of what your company is and what it stands for, it’s how you promote yourself on the web. If your company has changed ideals, then your website should show that with a fresh look that highlights those new changes. Even if your website is well designed and fast, if it doesn’t resonate with your company, it won’t serve a great purpose for you.