There is no quick fix or life hack to achieving success. But the good news? The door for opportunity is all around us! Talk about a DIY ;) For some, these opportunities can be discovered from other people, ideas, life experiences, or even inspiring words and messages. We’ve created 3 key objectives that will help navigate you down the path to success:
Make yourself uncomfortable.
Put yourself in moments that involve a little uncertainty or unfamiliarity. Push through that workout— remember, it’s mind over matter, always. Take the first step and reach out to someone you’re a little intimidated by. They’re human, just like you. Karla Cook from the Hubspot tells us, “It will be unpleasant at first, but it is possible to train yourself to become more comfortable with the discomfort of intellectually demanding work. Think of it like preparing for a marathon: If you make a training schedule and put in the effort to stick to it, eventually the running gets easier every day. That first day, running a mile might seem tortuous, but in six months, it'll be a breeze.” Make the next big move and create a benchmark to measure your success. No one acquired growth or success in their comfort zone.
2. Overcome the fear of “can’t”.
So often these words come in phrases such as, “I don’t have time.” “I’m not strong enough.” I’m not smart enough.” Which are subliminal forms of the word “can’t”. Little do you know that you’re committing to defeat because your belief and attitude are negative. Frequently, we obtain an unclear mindset when something feels inconvenient, difficult, or unfamiliar. We assume it’s because we simply “can’t” do it and give up. Doubt interferes with our ability to achieve our goals due to fear of bad results, fear of loss or change.. We’ve been told all of our lives that we can do anything we set our minds to. News update: You CAN. So what’s holding you back? What are you afraid of? Acknowledge these fears, know them, and ditch them. You’re so much stronger than you think.
3. Success does NOT exist without failure.
Which means, give yourself some credit. Failure stems from trying and that’s the first step in the right direction to success. Discover the things that work well for you, lose the ones that don't. And trust me.. this will take time. Mistakes will be made through a process of trial and error. You will feel frustrated. Giving up will feel like the best option.. but just know that failing is a part of life. This is how we learn, thrive and succeed. The biggest and best accomplishments have come from failing. You will never know success if you’ve never failed. Stay focused with a clear vision. You're bound for great things.
We want to know… what are some of your best tips for success? Tell us in the comments!