In previous installments of this blog, I mentioned apps that are specifically designed, not to just provide entertainment, but to actually make your life easier. In this installment, we continue our series to find the most life-enhancing apps on the market.
Elevate Brain Training
The mind is at its happiest when it’s allowed to solve problems on a regular basis. Elevate Brain Training looks to quiz you in memory, comprehension, math, and writing clarity. Once you begin your initial benchmark, you’re free to progress at your own pace.
Online security is a crucial aspect of our 21st life. While it’s incredibly easy to just use one password for every login, it’s also incredibly unsafe. But it’s also difficult to keep track of every single password. That’s where LastPass comes in. All you have to do is remember one master password, and then LastPass will generate, store, and even input logins for all of your various online accounts.
Learning a language isn’t easy, especially when you have a full workload mixed with social and family obligations. Knowing that, Duolingo allows you to learn another language in only 10 minute intervals.
Do you any loose change lying around? Maybe in your car’s cup holder, or maybe in your couch cushions. Or if you’re like me, you have about $5 of change sitting on your windowsill that you’ll probably never use. Instead of letting that change pile up and never use it, you can make your change work for you with Acorns! Acorns is an app that will round up the amount that you spent on a purchase, and use that difference to make investments. For example, if you spend $1.25 on a candy bar, and you use your credit card, Acorns will round up to $2.00 and use the $0.75 difference to put into a stock.
Communication is key to any office, and Slack may be the most efficient chat-based platform out there. It has all the functionality of G-chat, including group hangouts and the ability to send emojis and gifs through the chat, but you don’t have to have a Google account to use it!