I was browsing Reddit today, more specifically, the subreddit r/AskReddit. As I’m sure you can judge by the name, r/AskReddit is a section on Reddit where users can post Q&A threads. One thread really stood out to me, and it was “What mobile app actually had a legitimate positive impact on your life?” And since I was work at a mobile app company, naturally, I was curious. After reading through the thread, I found five apps that have made killed modern inconveniences.
One Bus Away – Instead of sitting around bus stop in the cold, dead winter of Michigan, anxiously waiting for your bus, you could sit in the coffee shop next to the bus stop and see your bus coming with GPS. Sounds good to me. With One Bus Away, you always have the bus schedule with you plus you can track your bus with GPS. It’s a great app for people who rely on public transportation and people who live in big cities.
7 Weeks – There’s an old adage that says if you can do something for 7 weeks straight, it becomes habit. That’s the idea behind 7 weeks. All you have to do is plug in your daily goals, and it reminds you to check off the goal daily. It turns your phone into a handheld accountability buddy! Unfortunately, it’s only for Android, but if you do have Android, you need to take advantage of it.
Sleep Cycle – We all know we need sleep. We know we need 6-8 hours (or 7-9 hours, depending on who you ask), but most of us suck at actually taking the right steps into getting good sleep. Sleep Cycle can actually monitor your sleeping patterns, track patterns that help or hinder your sleep schedule, and create an alarm system that requires you to actually get out of bed and do things to turn the alarm off. I’m someone who needs to hit the snooze button 3 times in the morning, so I actually need this. I’ll download if you do, imaginary reader.
QuitNow Pro – Smoking is cool as hell, but it’s seriously bad for you. You should stop. Download QuitNow, and you can monitor just how much better your life is without smoking. You can track the time and money saved by quitting, monitor how much your health has improved sicne then, and you have access to a community support group for users like you.
Gas Buddy – I have a big car, so I’m usually stuck with the driving duties on road trips. And since my car is so big, it burns a lot of gas. I’m no cheapskate, but as far as gas is concerned, I’ll go full penny pincher. That’s where Gas Buddy comes in. It locates all the gas stations around you, and also clearly labels all of the cheapest gas stations.