The first thing we wanted to share is that the leading killer of small businesses is doubt, especially when it comes to competition, marketing & sales. There have been countless times businesses have expressed concern to us that "They can't compete" or "they are not 'x' business, the fortune 500 company", but to us we don't see these excuses, we see obstacles that are easy to overcome.
This is especially true with mobile app development. Too many small business owners have false misconceptions about app development and simply think they can't do it. We wanted to shed some light on the situation.
It's way to expensive!
We hear this one even before we give them our pricing model. People often assume that app development is way to expensive for them to even look at launching some kind of mobile marketing effort. Well, this can be true if you're building a custom enterprise program solution from the ground up. We will agree, those take more time to develop and the more time equals the more money. People must be paid for their hours.
But we wanted to let you know there are options out there like Grand Apps that have awesome app builders that make it super affordable for small businesses to get mobile. We have worked with 150+ businesses now, large and small, and came up with creative solutions to help them get mobile. We have done this at a fraction of the cost as local and national companies. We have saved our clients hundreds of thousands of dollars developing apps for them.
I don't have time to wait!
You need to market now. You need to market fast. Becoming a first mover in the industry allows you to capture market share. When you are the first business in your industry to launch an app, you'll get the most downloads (typically).
Many custom development studios take between 6 - 12 months to develop mobile apps. We can promise you that if we provided a competitor with a proposal to build what we already set up at Grand Apps, it would take them over 12 months (I mean it did take us 4+ years to get here).
Most business owners simply don't want to wait to see them lose market share by the day, so they decide to not even launch a mobile app. Well, our mobile builder allows you to get to market in under 30 days, depending how fast you want to work. We can get your mobile marketing set up in no time and help you start earning profit.
I don't need it. I don't "do" marketing!
Let's correct that because yes you do marketing. Everybody "does" marketing. Every time you step foot into your business, you are doing marketing. Every time you tell someone what business you work at, you are doing marketing. So really what people are saying is "we don't see value in mobile marketing".
This is a pretty big misconception held by many people....still. But with the still increasing numbers of mobile spending, time on apps & downloads, it's kind of hard not to face the facts and begin creating campaigns. We actually launched an E Book about mobile marketing with 28 pages packed with stats, you can get it here.
But in reality, yes you do need mobile marketing and we can help you set it up fast and affordable. We know that literally every company makes such claims, but can they claim over 150+ apps hosted on iTunes / Android? We really try to help small businesses grow with our tech.
Email us to keep this conversation going at support@grandapps.com