If you wanted to know what I did last Friday, by looking at my Twitter feed, you would have thought that I was at the Social Mitten, a conference led by local Michigan leaders in social media. I was retweeting audience members who were live-tweeting the event, but alas, I could not partake, and I had to sit at the office while my boss, Will Pray, took in the festivities.
Here he is. Look at that smug look of satisfaction (Picture Above)
What a jerk. He was learning firsthand from the forerunners of our industry and I had to sit at the office having bask in all of the fun he was having. Feeling left out (and wanting promote Will and Grand Apps), I took to Twitter and learned what I could through live-tweets and livestreams. And by just doing that, I learned a lot. A lot of helpful information was tweeted during the event.

Much like tracking the score of a football game through live-tweets, I was able to learn all the important points that Will was learning. And not only that, I was actually able to network with other social media managers over twitter, which meant gaining those all-important followers. What a time to be alive.
- Cole Campbell