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Grand Apps Product Update - January 2015


Recently we have launched our new front end version of our website, giving a more refreshing modern design. Now, we are happy to announce we have gave our app management portal a brand new look!

We are always making improvements every single day. We listen to clients, gather feedback & try to make the adjustments they want to see. Below are just a couple of the many upgrades we have planned for 2015.

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Easy Tab Navigation

You can now easily see which tabs are what. You can quickly glance to see which tabs are active & not active. We will be bringing a new flexible on-boarding process coming soon too.

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Preview Always

You can now preview your app any part of the design process. You no longer have to click the step 4 to preview, simply just click the preview arrow on the right side.

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Beautiful Interface

We have also built in a stunning interface that is super easy to use & looks great! We gave our app management portal a more modern look.

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