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iTunes Apps Neck & Neck With Google

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Apple recently announced they have reached 1.3 million mobile apps ready for download on the iTunes app store.

This is huge, considering Android has roughly 1.36 million apps in Google Play, which puts both companies neck and neck.

Apple has also stated all iOS applications will "just work" on the new iPhone 6 & iPhone 6+ devices with their recent product launch. We are pretty excited ourselves to test out the new devices after they are stocked up from the huge back order.

A few key industries to keep an eye on....

Also, it is noted that with an increase in mobile apps, a few industries are surpassing the rest.

- Music Apps have increased by 79%

- Health & Fitness have increased by 51%

If you want to check out some Music Apps click here & if you want to check out some Fitness Apps click here. We are very excited about this new potential in these new app markets as both app platforms keep approving apps.

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